Monday, December 7, 2009

A Few Days Off

Okay, this will be lame. Make no mistake. I have taken a few days off, and it's been hard to do so. Here is my reason, and my logic.

D wasn't feeling too hot the other day. Tightness in her chest. I booked a commercial that shoots tomorrow. It's raining in Los Angels today. Now then, it looks like something like this:

Sick(?) wife + impending commercial shoot + Rainy, cold weather = Absence of running.

Now, you could be asking yourself, "why don't you hit the gym, Red?" A fair question. The last time I was there, I felt like I was surrounded by petri dishes on feet. One dude in particular was hacking up a storm.

So, yes, I am rather worried about staying healthy for tomorrow's shoot. I love running in the rain, so it's tough to not lace 'em up and hit the trail. We're expecting a lot of rain this week, so I'm hoping I can do that next weekend. After tomorrow's shoot? As long as I'm feeling good, I'll be out there.

Oh yeah I almost forgot: D's feeling better now. No tightness.

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